How to Use Natural Oil in Your Beauty Routine

For skincare and beauty lovers, we’ve been taught to shy away from oils, because no one wants oily skin. But the science behind beauty oils and incorporating oil into your skincare routine is convincing.

Natural oils actually work harder and faster than other synthetic products to cleanse, moisturize, and heal your skin. Our skin secretes oil on its own and that oil creates a natural barrier on our skin to protect it from harmful environmental factors like pollution and UV rays.

Many people struggle with skincare problems like acne because their skin’s oil production is out of balance. But a natural oil, such as prickly pear seed oil, is filled with restorative properties which can actually help balance the skin and repair the protective skin barrier.

Let’s take a closer look at natural oils and help you determine how to use them effectively in your beauty and skincare routine.


How to Use Beauty Oil

Now that you know it’s beneficial to incorporate a natural beauty oil into your skincare routine, the next question to answer is how. If you’re familiar with the 10-step Korean skincare regime you’ll know that they recommend starting off with an oil cleanser and use an oil moisturizer halfway through.

While a 10-step system may be effective, most don’t have the time to complete such an extensive process every day. If you're budget conscious and looking to elongate the life of your products, the recommended time to use your nourishing beauty oil is in the evening after you’ve thoroughly cleansed your skin.

With an ultra-hydrating natural oil like prickly pear seed oil, you’ll be able to apply it and watch it sink into your skin almost immediately after application for a seamless finish. The result is fresh, glowing skin throughout the day.

What’s the Best Beauty Oil to Use?

Depending on your budget and your skincare needs there are a number of good, natural oils on the market to fit your requirements.

One of the top all-natural beauty oils is prickly pear seed oil. Derived from a cactus, this precious oil is a powerful remedy for everything from eczema to fine lines. Sold in small batches, just one drop a day of this oil will leave your skin extra moisturized, highly protected, and nourished.

And while there are many oils that boast impressive results, it’s always best to dig a little deeper into your skincare needs and find out the natural benefits of the oil before integrating it into your skincare routine.

Dry Skin?

Look for an oil with high quantities of vitamin E. Known to keep your skin’s protective barrier clear, vitamin E is found in prickly pear seed oil, argan oil, and jojoba oil. 


Fine Lines/Wrinkles?

Fatty acids and antioxidants are the best natural defenses against signs of aging. Oils such as prickly pear seed and blueberry contain some of the highest levels of these powerful anti-aging properties.


If you’re struggling with breakouts, you’ll need to look for oils that can balance and cleanse your skin. Jojoba oil contains high levels of antibacterial properties as does prickly pear seed oil. Look for pure and natural versions of these oils in your local beauty store or online.


Redness and sensitive skin are often the results of harsh ingredients hidden in the products we put on our face. Eliminate uneven and inflamed skin tones by treating your skin to organic and pure products. Look for on the labels of your products and familiarize yourself with ingredients that could wreak havoc on your skin. Chemicals like sulfates and alcohol-based products will often strip your skin of its protective outer layer.


Although the causes of eczema are often unknown, giving your skin a nourishing product like prickly pear seed oil will help with the healing and scarring of eczema-prone skin. Discover the amazing benefits of prickly pear seed oil for eczema here

Why Natural Oils?

When looking for skin care products to add to your routine, it’s important to identify both the ingredients and the number of ingredients found in the oil. Many of the heavily manufactured oils on the market are combination oils meaning they’ve been combined with a cheaper oil as the carrier oil in order to bring the price down.

A 100% pure and organic oil may be a little more pricey, but at the end of the day, you’ll be getting exactly what you paid for.

Additionally, the manufacturing process of a pure oil is going to help maintain the integrity of the ingredients.

At Sunia K Cosmetiques, they guarantee their oils are 100% pure, pesticide-free, and traditionally cold pressed to retain the pure benefits of the plants. No parabens, sulfates, alcohol, or synthetic fragrances are ever added to the products.

Discover the difference a beauty oil can make in your skincare routine and make sure to research the best natural oils for your needs. 

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